11. 6. 2005
Záklaďák za milión
Bowling for Heston celebrity
Pri browsovaní programom Slovenskej televízie divá narazí na kadečo. Predovštkým, ak si zapne Jednotku, očakáva, že dostane programy, ktoré majú rodinné zameranie.
Dvojdielny záznam/ doument/ zo súťaže Chartona Hestona v športovej streľbe osobností bol šokujúcm príkladom nekompetentnosti programových pracovníkov a akvizícií. V plnej nahote sa nám ukázal spôsob nákupu v balíkoch, s tým, že odvysielať musím všetko, čo som nakúpil.
Charlton Heston bol skvelý herec a vynikajúci bojovník za ľudské práva v komunistických krajinách.Treba podotknúť, že patrí k ultranzeravatívnemu krídlu republikánom a niekoľko rokov bol prezidentom National Rifle Association, najsilnejšom lobby za voľný predaj zbraní. Aj automatických.V súčasnosti je celebrity hovorcom NRA.
Show "HESTON CELEBRITY" nie je programom o športovej streľbe, ani programom o zháňaní sponzorov pre americký strelecký tím."HESTON CELEBRITY" je program o National Rifle Association, voľnom predaji zbraní so zameraním na propagáciu automatických zbraní.
Ten program ma šokoval. Nepríjemne. Ak by však v prime time STV odvysielala ako protiváhu film Michaela Moora Bowling for Columbine, ocenený v na medzinárodnom filmovom festivale v Cannes Zlatou palmou, potom by som zaradenie "HESTON CELEBRITY" dokázal ako- tak pochopiť. Avšak je to program amatérsky spracovaný a v rozore so zákonmi SR. Nuž a Michael Moore, na rozdiel od ORF a PRO 7 nie je v STV asi žiadúci .Nie ako filmár, ako človek s inám, kontroverzným názorom . Charlton Heston je bližší názormi vedeniu STV.
Rád by som v tejto súvislosti upozornil na fakt, že , Zákon o vysielaní a retransmisii a o zmene zákona č. 195/2000 Z. z. o telekomunikáciách uvádza :
§ 19
Ochrana ľudskej dôstojnosti a ľudskosti
(2) Programová služba a všetky jej zložky nesmú a) propagovať násilie a otvorenou alebo skrytou formou podnecovať nenávisť na základe pohlavia, rasy, farby pleti, jazyka, viery a náboženstva, politického či iného zmýšľania, národného alebo sociálneho pôvodu, príslušnosti k národnosti alebo etnickej skupine,b) do ponúk programov zahŕňať výňatky z diel, ktoré znázorňujú používanie strelných zbraní, devastácie životného prostredia a zábery, ktoré by mohli navodiť dojem skrytej formy propagácie alkoholizmu, fajčenia a používania omamných látok, jedov a prekurzorov .
§ 33
Obmedzenie vysielania reklamy a telenákupu na niektoré výrobky
(8) Vysielanie reklamy a telenákupu na zbrane a strelivo sa zakazuje.
Zároveň Vám na ilustráciu prikladám aj sťažnosť koncesionára, ale aj unikátny prepis rozhovoru Charltona Hestona.
Dobrý deň,
bol by som rad keby Rada STV prešetrila, či pri vysielaní programu "HESTON CELEBRITY" neporušila Slovenská televízia zákon, ktorý zakazuje televíziám vysielať reklamu na zbrane a strelivo (147/2001 Z.z.).V programe sa viac krát objavila informácia o sponzoroch jednotlivých tímov. Medzi nimi bola zbrojárska firma Beretta a producent zbraní a streliva Remington. Mená sponzorov sa objavili pri tabulkách s výsledkami a o tom, ktoré firmy sponzoruju jednotlivé tímy informoval aj hovorený komentár. Ďalej sa na obrazovke objavil záber s nábojmi a škatulkami nábojov s nápisom Remington do ktorého následne vložili tabuľku s informáciami o pretekoch. Na internete som našiel informácie, že sa výrobky oboch spoločností predávajú aj na Slovensku. Viem, že program bol vysielaný po polnoci a slúžil len ako "vata" na vyplnenie nočného vysielania. No programoví pracovníci by mohli vedieť čo obsahujú filmy, ktoré televízia ubvádza a mali by zabezpečiť, že neporušujú zákony. Program som pozeral asi desať minút a, podla mňa, za ten čas televízia stihla spoň 4 krát porušiť zákon. Nebudem viac komentovať, či banda amerických "celebrít", ktoré ako šialené strielajú na všetko čo sa pohne patrí na obrazovku verejnoprávnej televízie. :-((
s pozdravom> Mgr. P. B.
The following transcript is verbatim, without alteration, andincludes misspellings. ************************** VMS TRANSCRIPT Video Monitoring Services of America, L.P. 720 Harrison Street, Suite 320 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415)543-3361 (415)543-6148 DATE May 6, 1997 TIME 8:00 - 9:00 AM (PT) STATION KGO-AM (ABC) LOCATION San Francisco PROGRAM Morning Drive Time Ted Wygant, anchor: Well this is very appropriate to talk with Moses as we talkabout it, at least.Now let's say good morning to the man who played it so well,Charleton Heston. Good morning, sir! Charleton Heston (Actor/NRA Board Member): And good morning to you, Mister Wygant. Wygant: Well, we're delighted to have you with us, and we appreciate your time because you have taken on a task that I think a lot of folks might have backed away with because a lot of concern about the National Rifle Association. Heston: Our country belongs to Hercules, doesn't it? Wygant: Yeah, right. What made you do it? How come you want to get in the middle of this? Heston: Well, I've, of course, been- found myself in the arena, if you will, on a number of public sector causes. I suppose starting back when I started demonstrating for civil rights back in 1961. Long before it got fashionable in Hollywood. And then the Screen Actors Guild, and the National Endowment For The Arts, and the Separate Theater Group, and so on- and then the Presidential Task force, and the Arts and Humanities. And I've been a member of- of the National Rifle Association for, oh, twenty years or more. When I was a kid in Michigan, in the Depression, I lived in a little hamlet in Northern Michigan with about, oh, a hundred houses which contained easily two hundred and fifty, three hundred fire arms of various kinds. Mostly being used for hunting, of course- food for the table. But I was asked, as is true with all of the jobs I've done. Somebody asked me. Wygant: Well, you've got quite a task. And- and you've been named first vice president. You- you're a member of the board at-at one point, and gee, you just zipped right up. Heston: I just was elected to the board on Saturday. Wygant: Yeah. Heston: It's the primary defender of the second amendment of the Bill Of Rights, which is, of course, a core document. The Bill Of Rights is right at the basis of the American idea, those wise old dead white guys that made up the country knew what they were about. And you- it is a mainstream issue. Most Americans, in fact, support the second amendment's right to bear and carry arms, and there are, as you suggest, a few extremists, and some of them are- are on the board. And we have, however, we- they elected- or re-elected in the case of Wayne LaPierre, and elected in my case and Cain Robinson's case- police chief Cain Robinson is now second vice president. We re-elected Marion Hammer as president. Wygant: Mister Heston, could I ask you to stand by here for just a moment? We have to get to traffic, but I- I do want to continue talking with you. Could you hang in for a minute? Heston: Yeah. Wygant: Okay, good. Thanks. **************** Wygant: Okay, right now let's get back to Charleton Heston talking to us from his home in Southern California. Let me ask you, you mentioned that there are some right wing folks- far right wing, still around the NRA. Are you going to try to get them off the board and out of the picture? Heston: That- that's certainly the intention, and I think it's highly doable. Wayne LaPierre is- is a superb leader, Marion Hammer's a strong president. And I think Cain Robinson and I can provide some useful support there. Wygant: Now the image of- of the NRA has been an organization that supports the right of people to buy any legal firearms, and, of course, you go to any- any gun store- gun shop and you see things there that are big, and brutal, and deadly, and far more than you need for- for hunting or home protection. Do you stand by- I mean, the image is... Heston: AK-47's are inappropriate for private ownership, of course. Wygant: Yeah, but the image is that they're- the fire power of these weapons is far more than a hunter or a homeowner would need. Why is it necessary to have those guns available anyway? Heston: I just got through telling you. The possession- private possession of AK-47's is entirely inappropriate. Wygant: Right, but AK-47's one thing, but I've been in a gun shop- I've been in gun shops, and there's fire power there that doest's seem necessary and that people worry about being out there in- in the hands of, you know, potential criminals. Heston: I'm not certain what you're point is- that there are guns available in gun stores? Wygant: No, guns that go beyond what a hunter would need. In other words, why does the NRA support guns that have overkill? Let's put it that way. Shouldn't there be some sort of limit? Heston: Well, for any certain time, AK-47"s are entirely inappropriate for private ownership, and the- the problem, of course, is not guns held by private citizens, but guns held by criminals. And where we have failed, where the government has failed is with entirely cosmetic actions like the Brady Bill, which is meaningless. I'm not even- don't even think it should be repealed because it doesn't do anything. and it's been in- on the books for more than two years. In the course of that time, I think it is, nineteen people have been arrested, and two have been imprisoned felons with felony records for trying to purchase a firearm. Wygant: Well, we've- we gotta- I really appreciate talking with us. It'll be interesting to see- interesting to see how you handle the public image of the National Rifle Association and those in the far right in the group. And if you don't mind, we'd like to talk to you again. Heston: I hope we can do that. Wygant: Alright, thanks very much. Heston: Mister Wygant. Wygant: Thank you. Charleton Heston from his home in Southern California, and the KGO Radio News time is 8:23.
9. 6. 2005
8. 6. 2005
Zvolebnieva sa
7. 6. 2005
Naša skupinka Sancheza Illicha Ramireza CARLOSA sa nesmierne teší na apolitickú spoluprácu tejto Iniciatívy s Konzervatívnym inštitútom, predovšetkým s apolitickými osobnosťami ako :
Peter Zajac - Predseda a prezident KI ,Ján Králik - Podpredseda - štátny zamestnanec Vladimír Čečetka - Člen -podnikateľ, Daniel Bútora - publicista, bývalý riaditeľ Rádia Slobodná Európa, editor týždenníka Týždeň, Jaroslav Daniška - politológ, poradca ministra vnútra SR Martin Hanus - germanista, publicista, redaktor týždenníka Týždeň Štefan Hríb - publicista, šéfredaktor týždenníka Týždeň,Roman Joch - analytik pre oblasť národnej bezpečnosti, Občanský institut, Praha, Monika Kuhajdová - politológ, hovorkyňa ministerstva vnútra SR ,František Mikloško - poslanec NR SR za KDH Vladimír Palko - minister vnútra SR, podpredseda KDH ,František Šebej - zahraničnopolitický analytik, redaktor týždenníka Týždeň ,Peter Tatár - analytik sociálnej politiky a zdravotníctva, predseda OKS ,Ernest Valko - advokát, bývalý predseda Ústavného súdu ČSFR Tomáš Zálešák - politológ, poradca predsedu NR SR ,Robert žitňanský - publicista, redaktor týždenníka Týždeň