Nie je to tak dávno, čo mediálnou scénou otriasla manipulácia vedenia STV s dokumentom Dušana Hudeca Miluj blížneho svojho. Parlamentné a mediálne kuloáre zhodne tvrdil, že dokument bol stiahnutý na výslovné želanie predsedu NR SR. Už vtedy to bolo priveľké varovanie do budúcnosti STV a slobody prejavu. A tomu predchádzal aj iné kauzy, ktoré však, za všeobecného aplauzu, prešli mediálnym tichom : odmietnutie podpory kampane na podporu antidiskriminačného zákona, odmietnutie kampane Ľudia proti rasizmu z dôvodu osobného estetického názoru Richarda Rybníčka / na rozdiel od českej a európskej tvorivej špičky, ktorá túto kampaň považuje za jednu z najlepších.., cenzorské zásahy do hotových programov, kde je náznak negatívnej mienky o cirkvi – prípad relácie SOS ap. / , neustále zásahy do hotových scenárov Správ.
Nič nezabralo.
A tak sa udial ďalší krok. Stiahnutie dokumentu Životy Ježiša . K žiadnemu upozorneniu divákov nedošlo, ani médií :
23.12.2004 14:05 Životy Ježiša (1/4)
Boh Ježiš
49 min.
Dokumentárny seriál je venovaný jubilejnému výročiu narodenia Ježiša Krista
*vhodné pre všetkých
Člen STV Branislav Záhradník tvrdil, že dokument Životy Ježiša bol stiahnutý na pokyn riaditeľa televízie Richarda Rybníčka. Toho vraj na to upozornila redakcia Duchovného života. Avšak Gavenda poslal ešte v decembri generálnemu riaditeľovi STV Richardovi Rybníčkovi list, v ktorom ho upozornil na výhrady rímskokatolíckej cirkvi k dokumentu.
"Ideologické zásahy vylučujem," povedal Záhradník.
A aké iné by tam mali byť, prosím vás, keď GR STV svoju vieru a stranícku príslušnosť vnáša rovno na pracovisko. A tým pracoviskom je verejnoprávna televízia.
Škoda, že STV si nepriznala základnú chybu- zlý programming. Nie je Ježiš , ako Ježiš.A je pravda, že dokument je polemický. STV by sa aspoň vyhla škandálu. Nuž, amatéri.
Na okraj zopár faktov.
Film je z pohľadu katolíkov hanlivý a nepresný, u veriacich vyvolá skôr pohoršenie," povedal Marián Gavenda, hovorca Konferencie biskupov Slovenska.
Zo stranky KBS- www.rcc.sk/kbs/ - Výňatky.
1.6 Masmédiá – prostriedky spoločenskej komunikácie
1.6.2 Ciele
e) kvalitne personálne obsadiť Odbornú redakciu náboženského vysielania SRo aProgramové centrum duchovného života STV;
f) nájsť spôsob na oficiálny vplyv KBS pri menovaní šéfov týchto inštitúcií (vsuvka do zákona o STV a SRo, zmluva medzi KBS, ERC a týmito inštitúciami, vhodná forma „kánonickej misie a pod.);
h) dosiahnuť častejšie zaraďovanie správ zo života Cirkvi do spravodajstva verejnoprávnych inštitúcií;
i) šírenie kresťanských myšlienok a programov s duchovným zameraním do práce iných redakcií v STV a Sro;
r) presadiť do zákonov o Radách (Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu, Rada STV, Rada SRo) možnosť delegovania kandidáta Cirkvi (v spolupráci s ERC)
s) zakomponovať do dielčích zmlúv medzi Svätou Stolicou a SR právo na vlastné médiá a povinnosť štátu podpory a umožnenia celoslovenskej pôsobnosti;
Zd sa, že KBS a aj Richardovi Rybíníčkovi mená tých , ktorí na dokumente pracuvali nič nehovoria. To je pravda,. Nikto z nich nevymyslel Domácu horúčku omladníc.
Mordechai Aviam
Archaeologist, adjunct professor of Judaic studies at Rochester University and district archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Dr. Helen K. Bond - University of Edinburgh
•Lecturer in New Testament Language, Literature and Theology • Course Manager, Biblical Studies 1
James H Charlesworth - George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Princeton Theological Seminary.
James H. Charlesworth received an A.B. from Ohio Wesleyan University, a B.D. from Duke Divinity School, a Ph.D. from Duke Graduate School, and an advanced degree from the École Biblique de Jérusalem.
He has been on the faculty of Duke University, the Universität Tübingen, and The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 1984, he has been the George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Princeton Theological Seminary.
He has written or edited more than thirty books and 200 articles, including editing of the first comprehensive English language edition of the Pseudepigraphia. Some of his recent books include
Jesus Within Judaism (Doubleday),
Jesus' Jewishness (Crossroad),
What Has Archaeology to Do with Faith (Trinity),
The Messiah (Fortress),
Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Doubleday),
Qumran Questions (Sheffield).
He has been involved in the discovery of more than four thousand biblical and religious manuscripts and has worked on photographing and translating the Qumran scrolls.
He is the editor of BIBAL's Dead Sea Scrolls & Christian Origins Library and the editor of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Orna Cohen - Conservator
In the winter of 1986, a drought brought the Sea of Galilee to its lowest level in living memory.
At that time Moshe and Yuval Lufan, brothers and members of Kibbutz Ginsar, discovered a boat’s oval outline in the muddy lake bed, between the ancient site of Migdal and Kibbutz Ginosar, on the western shore of the lake. Burial in the lake’s sediments had preserved the hull from deterioration over the centuries.
The boat was excavated by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Orna Cohen was the projects conservator. She developed an innovative procedure which meant that the hull was encased in fibreglass supports and covered with Polyurethane, and floated to the nearby Yigal Allon Museum, where it underwent conservation
Dr. Hanan Eshel - senior lecture in the Martin Szusz Land of Israel Studies Department at Bar-Ilan University.
Dr Eshel is a leading archeologist and scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
His work has appeared in Biblical Archaeological Review; Atiqot Journal, Zion Journal, and other leading publications.
Dr. Eshel's research interests include: Archeology of the late Iron Age; The Samaritans in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods; The Dead Sea Scrolls; and The Bar-Kokchba revolt.
Hanan received his BA from the Archeological Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his MA and PhD in Jewish History, from the Hebrew University.
Dr. Eshel is currently on sabbatical at the Divinity School of Harvard University, and also teaching the Judean Desert Scrolls on-line course at BIU's Virtual Jewish University.
Dr Mark Goodacre B.A. M.A. M.Phil. D.Phil. (Oxford)
Department of Theology, University of Birmingham
Dr Goodacre is creator of The New Testament Gateway, probably the best web directory of internet resources related to the New Testament
Goulder and the Gospels: An Examination of a New ParAdigm (JSNTSup, 133; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996).
"The Quest to Digest Jesus: Recent Books on the Historical Jesus", Reviews in Religion & Theology 7 (2000), pp. 156-61
"Beyond the Q Impasse or Down a Blind Alley?": Journal for the Study of the New Testament 76 (1999), pp. 33-52.
"Comprehensively Questing for Jesus?" Review Article on Gerd Theissen & Annette Merz,
The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide in Reviews in Religion & Theology 6 (1999), pp. 116-20
. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian - Institute Of Criminology And Social Work, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel, 91905
William Klassen - 'a teacher of early Christian literature in a university setting' - he is Research Professor at the École Biblique, Jerusalem.
William Klassen has taught Judaism and Early Christianity in several Canadian and American universities. He has taught in Jerusalem and led tours to the Middle East for many years. He has published many articles and a number of books in the field of interfaith ethics.
Professor Eric Meyers
Professor of religion and archaeology at Duke University
Eric M Meyers received his A.B. from Dartmouth College and M.A. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. He earned his Ph.D. in 1969 from Harvard University.
He specializes in Old Testament, archaeology, and Jewish history of the Greco-Roman period.
He has authored, co-authored, or edited ten volumes in these fields including two volumes with Carol L. Meyers in the Doubleday Anchor Bible series: Haggai-Zechariah 1-8 (1987) and Zechariah 9-14 (1993). He is also editor of a four-volume work to be published by Oxford University Press, Encyclopedia of Near Eastern Archaeology.
Meyers serves as President of the American Schools of Oriental Research. He has co-directed and directed digs in Italy and Israel for more than twenty years.
Sue Minter
Sue Minter is the Curator of the Chelsea Physic Garden and was previously Supervisor of the Palm House at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
She read history both at Cambridge as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, before becoming professionally qualified in horticulture.
She has written on historical and horticultural subjects and her previous publications include, "The Greatest Glasshouse: The Rainforest Re-created" on Kew's Palm House, "The Healing Garden" and most recently "The Apothercaries Garden".
Dr. Michael Molnar
Dr Michael Molnar is an astronomer and former manager of the Physics Instructional Labs at Rutgers University.
Currently, he is working on commercial Internet applications
Gloria Moss BA, MA, MIPD
Gloria Moss has carried out research in the field of biblical and medieval history for a number of years.
She has been engaged in research projects for the British and Ashmolean Museums, her work for the latter being published by Oxford University Press, and is currrently directing research projects at Oxford and Glasgow Universities.
She has, moreover, been a lecturer at the Open University for a number of years. She has contributed chapters for books, written articles and reviews for academic journals, The Times, Independent and other publications and is on the editorial board of a specialist, refereed journal.
In parallel with this, she has pursued a career as a Human Resources specialist, holding posts as Training Manager for Courtaulds and subsequently Eurotunnel
The Rev. Prof. Jerome Murphy O’Connor, op
Jesus in Galilee
online audio lecture and Q & A
Fishers of Fish, Fishers of Men
Text article about Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John
Do the gospels paint a clear picture of Jesus?
Where Was Jesus Born? Bethlehem... Of Course
Born in Cork, Ireland, on 10 April 1935.
Primary and secondary education at Christian Brothers College, Cork, and Castleknock College, Dublin
Entered the Irish Province of the Dominican Order in September 1953
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest on 10 July 1960
1959-62: University of Fribourg, Switzerland: STL (1961); ThD (1962)
1963 : BSS from the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Rome.
1963-65: Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem: Eleve titulaire (1964).
1965 : LSS from the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Rome.
1965-66: Post-doctoral research at Heidelberg University, Germany.
1966-67: Post-doctoral research at Tübingen University, Germany
Academic Appointments
Lecturer (1967-72) and Professor (1972-) of New Testament at the Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem.
Visiting Professorships
John A. O'Brien Professor of New Testament, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA: Jan-June 1984; Summer Session 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996.
Aquinas Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dubuque, Iowa, USA: 1969, 1974; Summer Session St. Louis, 1991.
Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dublin, Ireland: 1973, 1988.
University of San Francisco, California, USA: Summer Session 1971, 1975, 1979, 1982, 1993.
Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington, USA: Summer Session 1977, 1981, 1985, 1989.
Newman Theological College, Edmonton, Canada: Summer Session 1977, 1980, 1984.
St Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin, USA: Summer Session 1980, 1983, 1986, 1991, 1995, 1997.
Yarra Theological Union, Melbourne, Australia: 1986, 1990.
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA: Summer Session, 1992, 1996, 1997.
Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA Summer Session, 1995, 1998.
University Guest Lectureships • Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. USA, 1969.
McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, 1969.
National University of Ireland, Dublin, 1969, 1973, 1988.
St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland, 1973.
University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1975.
Pastoral Institute of New Zealand, Palmerstown North, 1975, 1986.
National Pastoral Institute of Australia, Melbourne, 1976, 1980.
Boston College, Chesnut Hill, Mass., USA, 1984.
Holy Cross College, Mosgiel, New Zealand, 1986.
Knox College, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1986.
Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1986.
Dublin University (Trinity College), 1988.
University College Cork, Ireland, 1988.
University of Notre Dame Australia, Perth, 1990, 1997
Pastoral Lectureships Ireland, England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, Peru, Brasil, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea.
Dr. Richard Neave
Richard Neave is a medical artist. He has just retired from teaching and research at the Unit of Art in Medicine at Manchester University, UK.
Co-author (with John Prag) of 'Making Faces: Using Forensic and Archaeological Evidence' British Museum Press, 1999 (ISBN: 0714127159)
Claire Pfann: M.A.,
Graduate Theological Union;
Postgraduate Studies, Hebrew University, Department of Comparative Religions
Production Editor, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and other Sites (DJD XXVII);
Contributor, The Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible
Prof. Joshua Schwartz -
Professor of Historical Geography of Ancient Israel
Director of Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies
Director of C. G. Foundation Jerusalem Project,
all of Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Autobiographical Sketch
Born USA, 1952; education as stated below. In Israel since 1974. Teaching in Bar-Ilan since 1979.
Usual Israeli University career up the ranks (with not a small amount of luck). Married + 3 (still part of Israeli autobiographical sketches). University life as mentioned below.
Usual outside Israeli interests and activities, Vaad Horim, Vaad Bayit, some political activity (but never had the patience or time to do anything serious in that sphere), a good deal of "halturot" -- outside lecturing and the like to make a living-usually in Israel.
Live in Efrat, Spend too much time in the car driving. At the moment pretty much involved with the Jerusalem Center and Research Project.
Believe or not I followed and (sometimes ) contributed to the "old" Ioudaios-L to relax and surprisingly, in spite of the problems which caused all of this, I picked up some valuable information and actually "met" some interesting people.
BA, BS 1974, Yeshiva University-Jewish Studies, Jewish History and Jewish Philosophy,
MA 1977, Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Jewish History of Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud Period,
Ph.D, 1981, Hebrew University, Jewish History of Second temple period etc.
Language Facility: English, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, French, German (I publish in the first two; the others require the use of a dictionary now and then), Italian if I really have to with constant use of a dictionary
Ha-Yishuv Ha-Yehudi be-Yehuda aharei Milhemet bar-Kochba ve-ad ha-Qibush ha-Aravi (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1986)- received Peras Yad-Yitzchak ben Zvi
Lod (Lydda, Israel): >From Prehistoric until Byzantine Times (Oxford: British Archaeological reports, 1991)
and at last count 64 or so articles in various journals relevant to the field (Tarbiz, Zion, Cathedra, JSJ, JQR et al)
Research Interests
Historical Geography of Ancient Israel (Second Temple etc. )
Jerusalem (I am writing a book everyday life on the Temple Mount)
Leisure in Ancient Israel (I am writing a book on that too)
History of Second Temple, Mishnah and Talmud periods
Judaeo-Christian Polemic in Byzantine Palestine
The History of Holy Sites etc.
The Rev Dr. Tom Wright -
On the 23rd June 1999 Downing Street announced that the Queen had approved the appointment of Rev Dr. Tom Wright in succession to Canon Anthony Harvey as a Canon of Westminster.
Dr N.T. (Tom) Wright (50) has degrees in classics and theology and was previously a college chaplain at both Oxford and Cambridge.
After a period in Canada, he returned to Oxford, from where he was appointed Dean of Lichfield in 1994.
He is a world-famous scholar of the New Testament and much in demand as a writer, lecturer, preacher and broadcaster.
Dr Wright also has a substantial number of books to his name including a major historical study of Jesus.
A native of Northumberland, he is married to Maggie and they have two sons and two daughters.
Joe Zias
Joe Zias works in the Science and Archaeology Group at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Dr. Frederick Zugibe -
Dr. Zugibe is the Chief Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York and developed the Medical Examiner System in Rockland County, New York in 1969.
He holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science (Anatomy-Electron Microscopy), Ph.D.(Anatomy- Histochemistry), and an M.D. degree.
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic Pathology and Forensic Pathology and a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice.
Dr. Zugibe is an adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and is a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists, a Fellow of the American Academy of the Forensic Sciences, Forensic Pathology Section, and a member of the National Association of Medical Examiners.
Dr. Zugibe has published a definitive, widely used textbook in a specialized field of diagnostic pathology, called Diagnostic Histochemistry (C.V. Mosby Co.) which is utilized in medical centers throughout the world.
He has published numerous papers and book chapters in the fields of forensic and general pathology and has authored The Cross and The Shroud, A Medical Examiner Investigates the Crucifixion (Angelus Books), and The Cross and the Shroud, A Medical Inquiry into the Crucifixion (Paragon House).
Dr. Zugibe has been consulted for his expertise by attorneys and medical examiners from throughout the United States. Dr. Zugibe is also well known internationally in the field of cardiovascular disease.
He was formerly Director of Cardiovascular Research with the Veteran's Hospital in Pittsburgh. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Fellow of the Council on Arteriosclerosis of the American Heart Association, Fellow of the New York Cardiological Society, and Member of the International Atherosclerosis Society, and has published numerous papers and chapters in the fields of cardiovascular disease.
He has authored the best selling book Eat, Drink, and Lower Your Cholesterol (McGraw-Hill) and 14-Days to a Healthy Heart (Macmillan)( soft cover-Avon Books).
Dr. Zugibe is the recipient of numerous awards in Medicine, Law Enforcement and Community affairs. His biography was selected for listing in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, American Men and Women of Science, Leaders in American Science, Who's Who in the East, Who's Who in New York, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in American Government, Who's Who in Biblical Studies and Archaeology, the International Biographical Dictionary, International Scholar's Directory, and The International Authors and Writers Who's Who.
Dr. Zugibe was recently informed that a new disease entity, Glycoprotein Storage Disease first described in the prestigious, American Journal of Medicine by Dr. Zugibe and co-author, Dr. Enid Gilbert, has been named the Zugibe-Gilbert Syndrome.
As a media consultant, Dr. Zugibe's credits fill several pages.
V normálnej krajine by GR STV už dnes nebol GR STV. Pretože nabudúce stiahne , na výslovné želanie katolíckej cirkvi ,aj Snehulienku. Lebo žila v jednej domácnosti s trpaslíkmi. A ešte koľkými !